FIU Resources

The Florida International University Libraries are the primary information centers for students, faculty, and staff at FIU. Library services are provided at both the University Park Campus’ Steven and Dorothea Green Library and at the Biscayne Bay Campus Library. Services offered range from research assistance and information literacy sessions, to interlibrary and intercampus loan, to computerized cartography and 3-D visualization.

The collections include more than 1.6 million volumes, subscriptions to more than 24,000 journals, and access to over 300 databases. Materials are available in a number of formats including monographs, periodicals, newspapers, microforms, maps, and audiovisual resources. The Green Library is a depository for State, Federal and United Nations documents, as well as participating in the European Documentation Center program, which allows us to house many European Union publications. Furthermore, the Library has launched an exclusive page containing available databases, search engines and newspapers useful for researchers interested in Middle East. Members of FIU community can use these resources through the following links:

FIU Libraries

Middle East Resources in the library

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