A Roundtable With Noted Iranian-American Author Firoozeh Dumas

Event information
Venue:FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus

Firoozeh Dumas , author of the book "Funny in Farsi: A memoir of growing up Iranian in America", the FIU 2009-2010 Common Reading selection, was born in Abadan, Iran, and in the 1970s moved to Southern California with her family. She later attended UC Berkeley where she met and married a Frenchman. "Funny in Farsi" was distributed to all incoming freshmen, starting in Summer-B and continuing through Fall. The book will be used in Spring 2010 and Summer A, to complete the full year of this common reading. The book has been well received by students, who have enthusiastically embraced Ms. Dumas’s writings about her immigrant experience and commonalities across cultures. The text was selected by a committee comprising faculty and staff, with a review by a panel of students. Recent events in Iran have made this choice even more compelling.